AHA (Vic) Creating Mentally Healthy Workplaces Learning Network

AHA (Vic) are recipients of Worksafe Victoria WorkWell Funding to support creating mentally healthy workplaces in hotels and pubs.

As a member of AHA (Vic), you receive access to our knowledgeable workplace relations team including the great resources, training and materials which will be developed by the Learning Network during the funding period.

We encourage all publicans and hoteliers to take advantage of this opportunity and access these resources and training to benefit your venue and the whole of our industry.

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Creating Mentally Healthy Hospitality Workplaces

Over 20% of Australians have taken time off work in the past 12 months because they felt stressed, anxious, depressed, or mentally unhealthy. Mental health can be impacted by work-related factors that are within the control of the workplace. This course will assist hospitality employees and employers to take a preventative approach in creating organisational justice and reducing workplace stress. With the aim to reduce workplace mental injuries, absenteeism, staff turnover and increase productivity and morale.